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Vantevo Analytics

Vantevo is the alternative platform to Google Analytics that respects privacy because it does not need cookies do not compliant with GDPR. An easy-to-use analytics tool that can be integrated into any website and back-end.

When it comes to web analytics, the first tool you consider is Google Analytics, as a unique and default tool. The reason is simply, because it is the most known by marketers. The downside is that, very often, even for the most experienced, interpreting website data using Google Analytics is a difficult process, requiring a lot of analytical and e-skills.

Vantevo Analytics was created for this reason, in order to offer companies, agencies, programmers and entrepreneurs an analytics tool with a simpler and intuitive user interface. It is easy to understand even for the less-experienced because it eliminates all the superfluous. There are no menu levels, reports and customized dashboards. Thanks to a few and simple clicks, you are able to control the performance of your website, get all the necessary information about your customers and set up your personal strategy to succeed in the network.

What information is collected and for what purposes?

In addition to being a tool with a much simpler interface than Google Analytics, Vantevo offers you an extreme security in terms of GDPR. Our goal is not to get information about the users, devices, websites or apps they visit and use. The data we collect refers only to one website and one device. For this reason, there is no possibility to know if the same person visits the same website from more than one device or visits another website other than the one on our platform.

Vantevo’s target is to track traffic trends, user behavior and what happens on your website. Thanks to this approach, we do not need to use cookies or any type of persistent identifiers. The data we collect is not personal and identifiable, because it is shown as aggregated data.

Thanks to Vantevo you can enjoy a 100% compliant service. Anyway, if you save sensitive information about the users who visit your website in your database, the responsibility for the use of the data will be yours. However, we advise you never to save identifiable information about your users such as name, surname, address ect.

How vantevo works without cookies?

Vantevo does not use cookies, localstorage or browser cache to store the user’s session. It is not possible to view new and returning users.

Vantevo uses a hash system with a private key that changes every 24 hours, in order to avoid the possibility of linking visitor information overnight. However, it allows us to understand if in the same day, the same visitor has entered the website several times. Deleting the private key, it also removes the possibility that the original IP addresses could be detected in cyber attacks. With the hash key we use some HTTP request information such as IP, User Agent and other to anonymize the user’s data.

One thing is certain: in our database we do not save any visitor’s personal information or other data that is considered personal in accordance with the GDPR.

We are in the european union

Our servers are hosted in the EU and our headquarter is in Italy. This ensures that all the data is covered by the European Union Data Privacy Laws (GDPR). Moreover, your website information will remain in the EU.

We also perform regular backups. Backups are also stored in the EU.

Data ownership

With Vantevo, in addition to safeguarding the privacy of your visitor, you are 100% owner of the data related to your website.