All the key metrics

How many times have you wondered what users actually do on your site?

The pages they visit, the time they spend on the site, where they come from. Having access to this data and interpreting it correctly is necessary to ensure that your site always performs and contains everything your users are looking for, from a product or service to buy, to an article to read, content to download or a form to fill out.

However, figuring out what data is important for your digital strategy is not always easy, this is because, those who have used Google Analytics so far have been faced with a very large amount of data, often not all of it useful and even misleading if misinterpreted. Indeed, when it comes to websites, not all metrics are equal, but some are more important than others.

Vantevo gives you a wide range of functionality, so you can have all your website's key metrics available at a glance. Without menu levels, reports to create, and custom dashboards. In a single screen, divided by statistics and events, you consult the most important metrics and can easily configure your conversion goals and custom events.

What are the key metrics that can make a difference for your website? Unique Visitors, Page Views, Sessions, Bounce Rate, Average Duration and audience information such as language, geographic origin and configured goals. To learn more about the metrics made available on our platform, visit our guide.

Unique Visitors
Pages visited
Bounce rate
Average duration
Campaign Tracking (UTM)

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