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Javascript SDK

The JavaScript SDK can be found on GitHub or npm.


npm install vantevo-analytics-sdk


To start tracking page views, events, and getting statistics, you need to initialize the client first:

accessTokenstring (required)To create an api key read our guide.
domainstring (required)Enter the domain you want to use to collect statistics.The domain must not include http, https, or www. Example:
protocolstring (required)http or https
userAgentstring (optional)To monitor page views and events, requests must have a user-agent, here you can assign a global ΓΉser-agent`.
xForwardedForstring (optional)To monitor page views and events requests must have an ip, here you can assign a global ip.
devboolean (optional)Tracker will not send data to server, please check console/log file to view request information.
const { VantevoAnalytics } = require("vantevo-analytics-sdk");

var client = new VantevoAnalytics({
accessToken: "",
domain: "",
protocol: "",
userAgent: "",
xForwardedFor: "",
dev: false,

Tracking page views and events​


eventobject (required)See event parameters.
userAgentstring (optional)To monitor page views and events, requests must have a user-agent, you can use this parameter if you don't have a global user-agent.
xForwardedForstring (optional)To monitor page views and events requests must have an ip, you can use this parameter if you don't have a global ip.

Event parameters

eventstring (required)Event name, remember that the name pageview will send a pageview event.
urlstring (required)Enter url you want to save in the statistics.
titlestring (optional)You can insert a title of the page, if this field is not used vantevo will insert the pathname of the url used.
referrerstring (optional)In this field you can enter a referrer for your request. Default: null.
widthstring (optional)This field is used to save the screen size. Default: 0.
heightstring (optional)This field is used to save the screen size. Default: 0.
metaobject (optional)Enter the event values meta_key and meta_value, read more how to create an event Default: {}.
const { VantevoAnalytics } = require("vantevo-analytics-sdk");

var client = new VantevoAnalytics({....});

//without global useragent and ip
client.event({event: "pageview"}, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36", "");

//with global useragent and ip
client.event({event: "pageview"});

Express js​

To use express js middleware make sure the script can get useragent and the ip, to get the data the script uses req["useragent"] and req.headers['x-forwarded-for'].

const express = require('express');
const { VantevoAnalytics } = require("vantevo-analytics-sdk");
const app = express();

var client = new VantevoAnalytics({....});

How to get the statistics​


filtersobject (required)Check out our guide to see all the filters you can use like, click here.

Example Statistics​

const { VantevoAnalytics } = require("vantevo-analytics-sdk");
var client = new VantevoAnalytics({....});

client.stats({source: 'pages', period: "1m", limit: 30, offset: 0, city: "Rome", ....}).then(() => {}).catch(() => {});

Example Events​

const { VantevoAnalytics } = require("vantevo-analytics-sdk");
var client = new VantevoAnalytics({....});{source: 'events', period: "1m", limit: 30, offset: 0, city: "Rome", ....}).then(() => {}).catch(() => {});